I have never concealed the fact that I regarded him as my master; indeed I fancy I have never written a book in which I did not quote from him. But it has not seemed to me that those who have received my books kindly take even now sufficient notice of the affiliation. Honesty drives me to emphasize it.

2024 Bicentenary Conference (UK)

After the success of our North American Bicentenary Conference at Wheaton Colllege, Illinois we are now turning our attention to the sister event at the University of St. Andrews, Scotland later this year. Information will be added as it becomes available. We are hoping that on Sunday, 10th November there will also be an optional excursion to a place of MacDonald interest.

For almost two centuries, George MacDonald has delighted and challenged his readers through his short stories, novels, essays, fairy tales, poetry, and sermons. MacDonald plays with and transgresses boundaries between the quotidian and the fantastical, theology and literature, home and abroad, secular and sacred, life and death. His identity as a Scotsman in England positioned his relationships and writings between the worlds of English literature and Scottish literature.

As a champion of the arts, the musicality and visuality of his texts merged mediums and inspired new vistas. His liminality plays out through his literary interpreters and successors, in the past and in the present, within the narrow world of MacDonald studies and in the broader ways his ideas and stories shape thinking in literature and theology as well as science, theater, fine arts, history, social justice, and education.

Call for Papers

You are invited to submit proposals for papers and panels on the theme of Borderlands for this conference marking the bicentennial of George MacDonald’s birth. Special consideration will be given to papers that explore liminality in George MacDonald’s writings and/or in his identity as a writer, theologian, father, friend. Please submit proposals of no more than 250 words using this form by 15th July 2024

Proposals should be submitted in MS Word or PDF as a one-page, double-spaced abstract prepared for blind review. Panel proposals should indicate the theme of the panel and include all of the proposed panel abstracts together. Accepted papers will be considered for a special edition of The Scottish Literary Review (https://asls.org.uk/).

If you are new to George MacDonald, or looking for a short overview of his life and writings (including a full Bibliography), we suggest you start with this Biographical Introduction from MacDonald scholar Kirstin Jeffrey Johnson.

YouTube channel

Our YouTube channel is the latest extension to the George MacDonald Society's activities. Here you will find recordings of online events hosted by the Society, and short “Spells in the Library” featuring George MacDonald's writings by the Society's president Malcolm Guite. Subscribe to the channel ensure that you are aware of additions as they are published.

North Wind Journal

The Society publishes annually (now online) a respected academic journal, North Wind which carries articles related to George MacDonald's life and work, reviews of new books, and other publications relevant to MacDonald Studies.

Faceboook Group

The George MacDonald Society on Facebook Page is a place where you can chat, publish news and make new friends who are also admirers of George MacDonald.


An occasional newsletter, Orts is also produced to provide news of events, meetings, lectures and any other information of interest to our members.


Membership of the George MacDonald Society is open to everyone and is valid for 12 months.

Registered UK Charity 1024021