I have never concealed the fact that I regarded him as my master; indeed I fancy I have never written a book in which I did not quote from him. But it has not seemed to me that those who have received my books kindly take even now sufficient notice of the affiliation. Honesty drives me to emphasize it.
A conversation about George MacDonald with Danny Gabelman, Kirstin Jeffrey Johnson and Amanda Vernon. (28/10/2024)
If you are new to George MacDonald, or looking for a short overview of his life and writings (including a full Bibliography), we suggest you start with this Biographical Introduction from MacDonald scholar Kirstin Jeffrey Johnson.
Our YouTube channel is the latest extension to the George MacDonald Society's activities. Here you will find recordings of online events hosted by the Society, and short “Spells in the Library” featuring George MacDonald's writings by the Society's president Malcolm Guite. Subscribe to the channel ensure that you are aware of additions as they are published.
The Society publishes annually (now online) a respected academic journal, North Wind which carries articles related to George MacDonald's life and work, reviews of new books, and other publications relevant to MacDonald Studies.
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